Friday, July 22, 2016

Interview Spotlight

Hi Friends,

I hope you enjoy reading this interview, as much as I enjoyed being interviewed. I am honored that someone wanted to sit down with me and ask these questions. (I find myself giggling aloud at the thought) ...

Your name: Kathleen “Katy” Lashua
Your Position: Owner, CRT Practitioner, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
Company Name: CRT Wellness Center of Sarasota, LLC
Phone Number: 941-780-1654
Business Address: 7131 Curtiss Avenue, Suite #3, Sarasota, FL 34231 (across the street from the Gulf Gate Library)
Industry: Alternative/Holistic Health and Wellness

How many people does the company employ?
Self Employed. I’m excited that the wellness center is growing and looking forward to offering more alternatives under one roof to provide an array of wellness care options for all ages; newborn to grandparents. Follow me on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter,, and more. Stay tuned...

How long has it been in business? 11 years

What prompted you to start your own business?
I've always been intrigued with natural and holistic ways to improve health and maintain wellness; this due in part to my own health challenges from birth through childhood.  At age 40, I decided to pursue my License in Therapeutic Massage and graduated from the Sarasota School of Massage Therapy.  Katy's Therapeutic Massage and Aromatherapy was established in 2005.  As a lifetime student, I have enjoyed
educational opportunities such as earning my certifications in Aromatherapy, Neuromuscular Therapy, and Medical Massage, as well as the Full Body Human Dissection course with Kent Health Systems and Dr. Julian J. Dwornik at USF, Tampa, FL. 2010.  This, together with my husband’s health challenges, led me to my training as a CRT Practitioner with Dr. William Doreste, DC, of the Cranial Release Technique, Institute.  The (first) CRT Wellness Center of Sarasota, LLC established in 2013.  In November 2014, at the annual CRT Summit Conference, I was awarded CRT Practitioner of The Year; both humbling and an honor!

Describe what your company does:  By relieving stress and tension, CRT immediately addresses the leading cause of illness; STRESS and INFLAMMATION!
Our bodies process stress all the time.  Cranial Release Technique® is a therapeutic, hands-on application that works to restore proper function to the nervous system and proper balance to body structure, thereby creating an internal environment within the body to heal itself from the inside out.  The effects on conditions ranging from aches and pains to overall health and wellness are profound! CRT sets in motion a release of anything connected to or associated with the cranium… which is a lot.  We’re talking spine, pelvis, shoulders, hips, knees, the fascia tissue that runs throughout the body, and the cerebrospinal fluid flow. The procedure releases the entire cranium and surrounding Dura mater, the protective covering of the brain and spinal cord. The technique restores the 22 bones of the cranium to proper balance and movement, resulting in dramatic benefits to the rest of the body. Wouldn’t it be great if you could just push a button to release your body’s natural capacity to heal?  CRT may be the closest thing.

Given your business expertise and the nature of what you do, what advice can you offer?  No matter your background, we all need ways to maintain wellness in our stressful world today.  Whether you are an athlete looking to enhance performance, a student preparing for exams, one who is healthy, or one who is working through chronic illness, a corporate professional, parents, newborn, grandparents… you get the idea;  CRT is for YOU!

Where did you grow up?  I am a native Floridian… born in Miami, FL.  My teenage years were in Leesburg, Fl.  

Tell us about your family:   My mother, who now suffers with dementia, was/is a great influence in my life… she is an amazing woman of faith who instilled in me that with God all things are possible.  I am a wife and daughter...a sister, cousin, friend,
worshiper, and a child of God by His grace alone through Jesus Christ.  My husband and I have lived  in Sarasota since 1988.  We married in 1990… I can hardly believe that was a little over 26 years ago!   No children, however, we have a wonderful cat, Jade.

What are your hobbies/interests?
I love to sing at the top of my lungs, and I love to laugh!  I love to spend time with my husband, enjoy good food, good wine, and good friends. Good books, good music, good movies, horseback-riding, walking, camping, fishing, roller coaster rides, dancing, and the beach..(not necessarily in that order)  We are blessed to live in such a beautiful town as Sarasota.  The long walks on Siesta Key are some of my favorite times. I've participated in several half marathons, and love walking the St. Armand's bridge, too.  Who knows, you may catch me training for another half marathon out there!  Enjoying our Downtown Market on a Saturday morning is another favorite... winding the morning up with breakfast and lingering with friends over coffee at a favorite place makes it even better! I love spending time with the Lord... reading His Word... and getting to know Him more, and more. Life, this side of Heaven, is short. I want to "live out loud" and thank God for each day He enables me to do so.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A quick note: For more info about CRT and to find a Practitioner in your area, please visit Dr. William Doreste's site
As always, I'm delighted for you to visit my website at
Yours for living well,
Coach Katy

Catching a little R & R with my love, Kim Lashua

Dr. William Doreste and me

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